A new home and a new series

Welcome to our new home. We hope to get everything up and running soon which might take a few days. We are toying with a new look and a few features that are mostly hidden but ones that will help Expository Thoughts run more smoothly.

On deck is a series in which we will interact with David Fitch’s series on “The Myth of Expository Preaching”. Stay Tuned.

Note: The categories to the right should prove useful as they are archives of all our past articles topically arranged. On a downside, when I switched over everything to the new address, it posted all the old articles with my name on it rather than the various names of our contributors. If anyone knows how to fix this let me know.

8 responses to this post.

  1. Looks great so far guys! Keep up the good work!

  2. Thanks Paul for the kind comments and the link at your blog. We appreciate your support.

    Warm Regards

  3. Paul,

    I like the new format!


  4. Welcome to Word Press – a much better way to blog. Sean Higgins is a master at Word Press. He could probably help you with a host of design and functional issues: http://www.tohuvabohu.org/

    Great work on the site. You guys do an excellent job!

  5. Thanks Bret, we all know Sean is the man.

    So far it seems like folks are finding us just fine, even the person who found us by doing a google search for “episcopalians handle snakes origin”…go figure.

  6. That picture you have as the header is sweet. The format is nice but I love the colours. These shades of green are really hype right now.

  7. Uh, I am neither the “man” nor the “master” of WordPress or anything else. Perhaps I am more like an effeminate Erasmian eisegete, and those kind don’t belong on a blog like this. Actually, I just wanted to show I could alliterate. I do like the new look; using the postmodern culture to reach it!

  8. Sean, you may be effeminate but “Erasmian eisegete” is going to far!

    Keep it real yo (that’s postmodern).

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